Exactly how many crasha refugees are popping their Promise cherries 2nite? seems like we quite a few crasha gimps/kids/whatever coming to Promise 2nite.... is this a mini invasion or are u just sick of us banging on about how Promise is better than GC and u thought u'd all come and see for yourselves. Hope u all have a good night anyway
Re: Exactly how many crasha refugees are popping their Promise cherries 2nite? think crasher whatevers is the most suitable
im not poppin my chery tonight, been goin since last sept 01! have fun new kiddies, im sure u'll enjoy it!
almost pissed myself with laughter @ the thought of being a rave gimp! duncan on the other hand embodies the term in its entirerity(sp?) tell u what though, u can call me a rave gimp when you stop wearing luminous tops & neon furry boots and visit some clubs other than crasher, sunnyd & promise!
lol, i was joking hunny, i know ure anything but a rave gimp, where as duncan....hmmmmmm!!! ure a try hard, its far worse
i know u was jokin hun! and as for being a try-hard??? hmmphh i would say i'm merely a jeans & t-shirt boy these days i very rarely wear my safety pins anymore they are so 2001