im going for one soon.. dunno what to go for though... work probs wouldnt appreciate half a shaved head/mohawk combo, even if it was a nice shade of blue
surely they would like it?!? i'm having mine re-styled for the 1st time in a year.. always a scary outing
ah but what if you just fell asleep and woke up with the curtains on your face? what if they was rideaux de boeuf? eh eh?
*puts snobby head on* i get my hair done by gary hooker, hes good, not that u would noticed coz my hair always looks crap anyway *takes snobby head off*
Worth payin more if ya confident they gonna do it right i fink!!!! Mite seem expensive but u got piece of mind u aint gonna av to shave it off cos they buggered it up! Place i went to few months ago made a rite mess but they did only charge me a fiver and not the £15 it was meant to be i s'pose......... Tried to colour it FOUR times and couldnt get it right....told em to leave it before me hair dropped out!! ( Bring on all comments from ppl sayin they never got mine rite! )
ah now that'd be a different matter altogether n'est ce pas! If it was gerrie's i'd kill her :evil: :evil:
Ken i aint puttin a piccy up. Anyway it still looks beta than urs Im glad other peeps have experianced this trauma. Spud i feel for ya. Fink ya need a cut to rival lou's cos hers is wicked
OMG those pics of kid make me laff sooooooooo much. They are bloody priceless. Im sure i asked this in a previous thread but i aint seen kid wifout spikes. Please tell me he has curtains????
best place is usually proper barbers..... not these pansy unisex salons where they usually let a trainee bimbo loose on ya
he will have curtains me...and if he dont, then ill post more pics of him with curtains...ill post tat one of u in the red tee baby...u look good on that
post the naki ones of him, oh go on, just for a laugh, let the board see martains arse!!!! *note - i dont really wana see these but think how funny they will be!!
youve already seen them my dear! lets just say his ass looks very much like the one on that nice lacoste advert./ it lacoste? the one with the fit naked guy.
I am a member of the unhappy with my haircut gang now too! I wanted a little trim and my sister took 2 inches off it!! *waits for the typical woman jokes*