Marketing type help Ive got an interview for and Insurance Broker on Sat and Ive been asked to do a short presentation of about 5 mins on how I would generate enquiries into the branch. They have a target market of students and professionals (teachers, nurses etc.) Here's my mission 'We would like you to imagine that you are working for us in one of our branches. As part of your role, you are required to generate enquiries for your branch. Your presentation should explain the steps that you would take to generate more enquiries from your local market place. you should assume that there is no financial budget for this work, but that marketing material such as posters, flyers etc are avaiable to you.' I was thinking along the lines of telling them where I'd put the posters etc and the implication it would have on the branches sales if promotion was done in the wrong place. Any further ideas anyone????
Simple. Target the clubbers, clubbers spend money, lots of money. How do brands get noticed by the clubbers? they sponsor events
That aint the kinda thing that Insurance companies tend to do though. Could be right to a certain degree cos they target students and a lot of students go clubbing. But on the sponsorhip side, they aint got a budget so cant do anything which would involve spending money
a swot or pesteel on the market usually comes handy in these analysis n that, free promotional stuff for students on freshers week n stuff then talk about implications of how not2 do it perhaps, would work out alrite! i had2 giv a 45min one on effective consumer behaviour in marketing decision making yestaday, was a bit of a harsh!
Ive done a bit on where I would target IE univertsity notice boards. Ive also done a bit on the implication to the business if random advertising was to be done. Think Ive got it sussed after spending most of last night trying to come up with stuff. Now I just have to figured out what I'm gonna elaborate on to make it last a bit longer! Thanx for your help hun