Cyber Revival this week Loads of us have been plannin on cyberin up for lab 4 for ages now.... promise aint been full with cybers in ages.... A|ny1 fancy joining us
When will you stop do ya think ? I know the Victorian Look is well into ya life now Did ya enjoy ya night on friday anyways :spangled:
I had a class night - stopped in and was privy to smmit I ahdn't had in years... but it aint to be discussed on this board I'll stop doing my thang when i stop clubbing Any chance of swaying you to the fluro side?
I never did suit it and i doubt i will make a comeback ! I understand ya cant discuss friday If ya drop me a PM i might be able to see that you have more nights like that
why? Si are u ok first the poor jokes, then the lack of intelligence... why the bad joke... hrrrmmmmm I think someones been hanging around kerry for far too long
ah i see! Oh i dunno, was a cheap n easy shot I know. no not really.... lack of nicotine cos I'm packing in the tabs and left my chewing gum at work and surfeit of non-drip gloss fumes have conspired to leave me feeling a bit giddy tbh good idea the cyber revival for friday, dont think i'll be joining in cos i think I've outgrown it really but there's still nothing like seeing a club full of cybers having it :groovy:
u still got pair of my trousers too ya git the black n orange ones - been there aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages
Re: Cyber Revival this week Yep thought i might aswell cos it was either Promise are Crasher so, if i am people want to make an effort
i defo wanna do cyber on friday... but my pants are majorly fukked, had em along the haberdashery place, n they said there was no point in em fixin em, apparently if i jumped around they would just fall to bits i mite have to wear my old 'home made' pair, but they aint really that good i'll give em a bash, but if it looks shit, they aint goin on