Craig S, Paul, Ness & Fizz @ HULLABALOO - This Saturday 31st - Cramlington I know i know, CRAMLINGTON!!!?!? BUT, if u r all goin to the dig this saturday to see sasha and fancy something different, like a bit more excitement before sasha at the dig come along at 7pm to see us play... playing more proggy and funky than usual.... even me!!!!! 7 - midnight...if anyone wants to come in a group, im sure we can sort out a mini bus to take everyone to the dig afterwards. anyways, this was a long shot but thought id try and gather some support for a fun night... makes it that lil bit more special than going to stereo b4hand. 7-8.15 - Craig S 8.15 - 9.30 - Paul 9.30 - 10.45 - Ness 10.45 - 12.00 - Fizz Hullabaloo @ Nelson Village Club / Nelson Village / Cramlington £1 entry (nowt to do with me this isnt my night!! im just helping) oh and the title...not my doing either!!! if u fancy a trip spk to me on MSN or email me.
already spoke to si bud and think he may be poppin down for a while. get yasel there man jeff.....or i'll call u a poof!