Creamfields.. Anyone know of any coaches or transport that is bein arranged for creamfields?? I think I might go if there is any.. Its the place to look for all your NE coach needs. Dunno if there is anything about CF up yet but if not there will be soon.
Cool theres some info up on the coach.. Coach & Ticket package: £66.00 Coach Only: £18.00 Ticket Only: £50.00 Inc. P&P Pretty much as expected..
It'd be canny if we could get some of the Promise crowd together. If I have to sit on a coach with people farting and scratching their knackers (not you ladies) for a few hours, it'd be better with people I'm familiar with (I think!) I may get to know a few of you too. Lets get some names down.
if burtha bass face gets a bus booked i'm gonna get as many of u's on there as i can.........if u's r all really gud i'll even bite ur arses!
fuck creamfields, me and jambon move out that weekend, come round ours and have it, without fear of being mugged by scallies from europes "captial of culture 2008"