We need a good ruck!! Joe.......argue with sum1 or something!!! i heard conway said your clothes were shit joe
Can't you pick on some1 like say sahsa promise or rufus - they both seem adament on stealing ur old rep
or that easy.... They'd give u a good run for ur money though think lulu would like a shot @ ur old title too
lol, they can have it if they want, its theirs for the taking!!! we need a deccent argument, but theres no one online that id even waste my time arguing with, these lot couldnt argue their way out of a paper bag (except jackmaster, im keeping well away from him, i seen his performance with mr foster, i dont want an argument thats guna be causing me to top myself after it!!!)
me and geordie always have a good argument, but i cant be arsed to have to sit and decipher his posts, its such a bore
My point is proved Kerry - what you said about me is uncalled for - yeah we do have some arguments on here and i was falsely accused of being someone else at one time ! When you know about what i have said with your mantle then i will listen to what ya have to say - until then fuck off !
there was me about to post a thread on were on earth two of the Moderators have gone too, well this in 1 accouted for where is the other!!! PIKE??