Drum & Bass nights in Newcatle? Anyone know of any decent ones that are on regularly up here? Friend of mine @ work has recently movced up from Leeds and was asking about them. Said I would try to find out. Thanks in advance!
Well there's one of those 3 nights replacing Promise is DNB now im sure. Traveller or the other one...
d n b Turbulence is the biggest drum n bass night in newcastle, it's just started monthly friday residcence at foundation (not sure which one), its on every month in term time as well at newcastle uni as well me tinks, (not sure where it will be next year if just stay at foundation or not) curves - bar sessions sorta ends with drum and bass every tuesday at bar2XS. cant fink much else at da mo
Curves is pretty damn good at Bar XS on a Tuesday, starts with some scratchy hop-hop shit then maybe some breakbeat then Drum and Bass. Its open till 2am and the beers pretty cheap so its definitely worth a look. They had a party in some woods on Saturday, sounded like it was quality. Loads of laser and lights and stuff.