f.a.o mark n everyone!!! aw yay look at this!! quoted from his diary entry on his website.... "Promise is brilliant- I won't waste words describing it any other way. The North East crowd is famous for passion and being vocal- their football grounds put others to shame in terms of atmosphere. I think the only reason I play Promise a mere two times a year is Newcastle's distance from London, nearly 300 miles. " from jules!! bless him!! im so pleased he loves playin here i reeli am!! we'll av to get him back sumtime soon please mark preety pretty please!! aw bless him hes so lovely aint he!! !!! hehe sorry i'll cut it out a bit cos admittedly i do go a bit ova the top!! but we'll hav to get him back sumtime very soon and even though its a long way its sooo worth it!! and hewent on to say that he didnt get back home till 8 in the mornin bless him !! aaww!! lol!! sorry!! xxx
Personally as a DJ i dont like his style, but credit to the guy, he does a good job of pleasing the crowd and if people like him keep coming Promise should continue with its great rep.
hahaha!!god im so stupid sumtimes, i didnt realise it had bin on here before...!! am only reeli on the board nowadays when im at home it must hav bin ages ago when i was still in newcastle just afta he'd played!! ooopz!! aw excellent as if hes playin boxing day thats so class its gonna be mint!!! hello marky by the way, av neva seen u on here before!!! aw god i hope the buses run on boxing day cos unless i've passed ma test by the hav no idea how im gonna get up to newcastle...!! plus its ma grandads b'day the day afta so i'll av 2 be back 4 then ack god what am i stressin out 4 i always hava habit of stressin out abou things ages before they actually happen!! lol!!aw it'll be so class tho cos everything will be all exciting n christmassy!! xxxx