This is no good! Being in the house on a Friday night at 12am and not being at Promise or something, just isn't good enough. Watching Rapture TV doesn't make it any better either, makes it worse. I should be fucking dancing my arse off somewhere :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Friday's or Saturday's ?? what's it matter !!!! this weekend im the skintest ive ever been lke EVER ! Looks like im watching pop idol tomorrow night alone !!!! Lovely !!!
its shit isn't it! was even cosidering goin to traveller last night just for sumink to do like. roll on nxt wk!
Go further afield then, try sugarshack! Its always good for a different night out! People stop going places as much cos they get bored of the same thing week in week out, but then they winge when places go monthly and they have nowhere to go! Cant win!
I went to Promise every week, unless I had to look after my son, they were the only times I did not go. So i hope that is not directed at me missus