Any1 go to Evissa last night? Just wondering what it was like. Was gonna pop down but finished work and really couldn't bothered with the arse on and expense of gettin home to Bedlington from Shields. So who went and was it good?
Re: Any1 go to Evissa last night? loads on this board live in bedlington, I move there in a few weeks
Re: Re: Re: Any1 go to Evissa last night? my dad has just bought my mum an business to keep her busy. That's where it is. It's quite an odd place
I had a canny good night, but was still quite fucked off TT. I didn't get up till half five and was at Evissia for half six, that's commitment. Matt was excellent as usual, just a shame no one was on the dancefloor when he played. Lee was good, got everyone dancing, then Rich came on and played some really good HT. I don't think Shields knew what had hit them. Had to go before JFK came on though, had to be up early sadly. Look forward to more of the same next year on the Bank Holiday Mondays.
matt was good. why was he on first?.... glad he was tho, cos i wouldnt have seen him if he was on later. it was a bit like an under 18's disco tho. is that the future of trance?
good weekend for them then!!i missed richard at creamfields due to changing the times but caught lee and thought it was the best set i'd seen him play!!!lots of trance and less hard stuff!
Really enjoyed Matt Hardwick! Havent seen much of him lately. Was gutted there was such a poor crowd on the floor when he played. What must he think of those charvs jumping about when he's blasting out some great trance!!! Left during Lee's set - sorry! - cos I was knackered after Trees - WIMP! Really glad I went tho!
Haha the charvs were so funny you gotta admit that! Jumping about like total loons while Matt plays lush trancey breakdowns. He looked canny bemused! It provided plenty of entertainment for us though! Thought Matt was top top class. One of the best trance sets id seen in a while. Lee was ok. Rich played very well the hour i heard. Much more trancey than of late! Nat Monday - Destiny Had to leave at 11 for last metro. Neva mind. Good night!
Charvs are so annoying! I havent got a clue why the club were sending people dressed up in fancy dress to go and push everyone around on the dance floor! Do they want people to dance? There is no need for the fire display that also burnt JFKs records or the foam that was sprayed and fucked up the smoke machines??? Good night tho!
A bit late but what I saw on Monday was good but I left towards the end of Lee's set coz I was knackered. The chavers were funny as fuck and the place was way too hot. I also got a chance to catch up with every1 who I hadn't seen for ages. The place was too hot but the chavers were good to laugh at. My lass says thanx to every1 for being friendly as she didn;t know any of ya's. Jimmy