Newcastle Style Bling I am shocked I didn't realise I wore Newcastle style BLING! Puma trainers,jeans,tracksuit top (RETRO STYLE PREFERED) - ITS ALL SO GEORDIEBLING! Now I just need to grow my hair, chuck all my combs & brushes out the window & let the mullet top look as messy as possible, get tan from Sandra Anne Stand&Tan, only drink in Apartment, Stereo & Pitcher & listen to Steve Butler,Wella,Matty Forster etc. THEN I WILL BE 100% GEORDIEBLINGING !
Re: Newcastle Style Bling LMAO Fred Perry polo shirts are also back.> I'm u've plenty (pastel colours prefered)
tis wearing a bit thin now ne thinks, will have to opt for differennt mode of gear. need time to think. back in a flash !!!
CHANGE!!! No need to, we may look like we are all in the same gear to you TRANCE fans but on the sofas of Pitcher we can see the difference. EXAMPLE Maz has got a maroon Puma tracksuit top Dom has got a British racing green Admiral tracksuit top Gaz got a dark brown Adidas top with light brown trim Alex has got his Brazil tracksuit top Den has got his Italy tracksuit top Ken has got his USSR tracksuit top I have got my classic University of Somewhere tracksuit top ALL RETRO STYLE! Our footwear is every different colour of Puma-Velcro strap ever made. Well I am off to wack on my Hed Kandi CD or my Urban sound CD & chat to Suzzy who works in topshop but has put an application form into the MECCA OF GEORDIEBLING ATH LEISURE!!!!! IF YOU SEE ME OR YOU LOT GET INTO THE EXCLUSIVE BLING SLUMMING BAR STEREO BUY ME A DBL COKE WITH EXTRA ICE I NEED TO MAKE THAT 1 DRINK LAST ALL NIGHT!!!! IT ALL SO BLINGING!