Question If Scott Project couldn't make last weeks Promise at Tall Trees due to him recovering from a back operation then why was he still advertised and door taxed for last night? Surely it was known he wasn't going to be played?
it was certainly one of the reasons a lot of people left far too early - every1 was goin on a bout him bein cancelled and not knowing about it
yeh in the toilets and stuff people were gutted. To be honest richard played a good set better than that of what scot project wud have played, its a total waste of money payin to get in hearing 1 dj isnt on then leaving, also I think it was only quiet because of how close its been to creamfields and tall trees.
it was mainly the so called 'beer boys' that were ranting about him not bein on who prob don't go on the website - most of them prob didn't know who Signum were - don't know if there was a poster outside sayin he was cancelled? I was quite pleased he was off tbh
hmmm, maybe its in his contract, Promise use Scot Projects name to attract punters, meaning he will have to get something for the use of his name....yes its not fair cos hes not playing, but hey not everyone knew that, plus its business!!!! probably not the reason, but thats just my business head on!!!
he didnt play at Tall Trees etiehr, hes had an operation. the promise posters and flyers had been printed ages ago, so they couldnt help it i dont think. but the could have lowered the door price?...but i dont know...
i imagine scot project will have still got a few of some sort though because of the crowd he will have pulled!!
i dont think they cud have lowered the door price to be honest, its not been long since creamfields n that so they knowthe attendance wont go through the roof, if they had lowered the price i doubt they wud have taken much money in, gotta make sure the clubs still makin money £12 isnt too bad to play anyways when u look at the line-up alot of people were happy scot project had dropped out.
I dont think he can help having an operation. I'm sure he'll be re-booked for those that really wanted to see him
hmmmmm...... also with a business head on, technically I'm sure it's possibly a breach of something..... trading standards, advertising code of conduct, the law! ...IF it was advertised knowing he wasn't going to turn up. I'm not even sure how well the usual disclaimers "we can change the line-up last minute and not tell you" would stand up though I'm not an expert on these matters
what???? :spangled: yep, me fizz, and Craig S used to work together while ago. I was Craig's boss for a while..... so he could always get mondays off last minute when he was still bad off the weekend
On the flyers does it not state the the line-ups are subject to change, etc and is not the fault of the promoters, etc. I'm sure they will have something along those lines to back themselves up.
lol, me nd my boss are mates aswell......... did creamfeilds, tt and evissa together last weekend, and promise on fri!.. tis fun, think were going on hol togeter nxt yr tooo! lol xx