Drinks??? Having an in-house drink with Debs, Mik and Kel tonight. Any ideas on what I should consume, I had a skinfull of lager last night and don't fancy the same again. Should I just go for the classic Vodka option???
Smirnoff Blue/Black label and pineapple juice.. Managed to 2 through 2 bottles of vodka in an evening drinking that - god me completely welly'ed.
Been drinking alot of Vodka recently, just fancied a change Vodka and pineapple is the dogs tho, its nice with Cranberry too
as far as vodka kiddie drink stuff is concerned Vodka Mudshakes are bloody tasty. They come in Caramel, Chocolate or Coffee i think. taste like an alcoholic milkshake. not bad indeed
they are well nice...had a caramel and a coffee last night. had a turquoise reef just now aswell, i didnt like it but martin did...pear and grape...but ery pretty colour.
I was given a bottle of Mateus wine as a leaving present from work. Anyone know wot its like? Im not a big wine fan. Is it nice?
If ya can get round mine Jimmy you can have a bottle of absynth. i got two bottles last time i was away still not touched the 2nd bottle! evil stuff mwa ha ha ha ha ha :evil: