Goodbye for a few weeks Well, tomorrow i'm off into hospital for the latest installment of operations so i won't be back on the board til i get back to work (4weeks!! wahey) so just thought i'd take this opportunity to say "BYE". Will prob still be out clubbing (against doc's advise ) so will probs see some of you's then altho don't think i'll make it to promise next friday!! Keep it real (or unreal if lsd is involved) Ness. :chill:
take it easy man enjoy the nurse's man and take all the morphyne u can get a hold off that shit is off the hook un till you start coming down of the fuckka
Hope it all goes well mate, I'd say take it easy - but if mymemory serves correctly weren't u caning it minutes after the last time u were in hospital?
aye, in Amsterdam at the Kremlin. I was in charge of looking after him and making sure he didn't misbehave or do anything he wasn't meant to :spangled:
Re: Goodbye for a few weeks You know you keep telling me that these operations are for ya kydney ... but am beginin to wonder are you perhaps going in for a hair transplant or due to the frequencey of your hospital visits colonic irrigation or maybe ya havin ya chopper overhauled Seriously though mate al be in to see ya on tuesday and hope everythin goes well av got a hell of a get well soon card for ya although it seems to be covered in some sort of dry green smelly substance mmmmmm wonder what that could be :chill: see you soon mate