BK in car crash leaving tall trees Off tidy.com Hard house DJ BK was invlolved in a serious car accident on Saturday night after leaving Goodgreef in Yarm, en-route to Trade in London. The accident happened on a roundabout when a vehicle travelling in the other direction came round the roundabout the wrong way and collided with his car. Also travelling in the car was BK's girlfriend Mel. BK's car was instantly written off. Ben and Mel were taken to hospital to be treated and were later released.
just told one of the ppl who was in the car with me on sat and she reminded me that when we left, at the first roundabout after uve left tall trees there were bout 3 police cars and a couple of cars that were smashed up.
yeah i saw that smash, we arrived just after looked fairly nasty. best wishes to all those involved, that roundabout has seen many a crash over the years after tall trees. i hope that everyone involved in the crash was driving responsibly.
erm... one of the cars was going the wrong way around the roundabout... not really that responsibly all the best to BK an Mrs. BK tho...
always helps to read stuff thouroughly! i think i have a mild form of dyslexia.. i always should re-read stuff!
hehe... i only remembered that cos i was jus talking to eddie bout it in the union... sorry the "terrace bar"
not sure if i'm liking it or not yet.. feels a bit too city centre bar to be a cheap and cheerful student union. give it a few weeks and it will be a bit tattier and i'll be happy again no doubt.
yeah, tis way too posh for you to be able to jus crawl out of bed an have a pint in... an don't get johnty started bout the pastel colours it's starting to look a bit shitter already, so there is hope!!
Wait till its got chewing gum on the seats n fag burns around the place! U'll come to love it like the last arangement
Ive bin tryin me best tho i think id get sacked if the uni found out exactly wot i bin doin! best leave it up 2 u students