karl you knob! 4am What ever inspired you to ring me at 4am? My phone was in front of my speakers, which were turned up so when you rang me the whole house heard dt dtdt dtdt dtdt and I shit a brick, along with mam, rob and cat. Knobber
4 fucking times you fucking jobseeker!!!! just u wait till this week... ive got shit loads of work to do that'll see me up all nite probs.... and i think it'll be nice to have you up with me.
'Karl its 4 in the morning what do you want' 'what you up to?' 'i've been at work.. and now i'm in bed' 'your boring i'm not ringing you again'
i didnt answer... stuck the fucker on silent... didnt want the booze ridden finger fukwit asking the obvious... 'got any ket'
Re: karl you knob! hahahahaa im putting that on my list of great things ive achived, pitty its the only thing lol
He rang me at 310. Not amused.:evil: I thought it was morning and my alarm was goin off. Then i worked out it was the phone, looked at it and it said "3:10 Karl51Project". So i pressed end call. C**t. Took me 20 mins to get back to sleep. :evil:
Nice one Karl, keep up the good work!! I know for a fact that you would of tried to call me though, glad I had my phone turned off!