My Post Count? Seems to be going down Bri? yeah it has gone down before due to deleted threads, but not by 50 odd posts
Re: My Post Count? U sure its not deleted threads/posts? How many has it gone down by and when did it start happening?
well it was 4115ish, went down a bit but that would be due to a hijacked thread about some other....on friday!! but when i was on last night it had gone down by about 38 maybe was just curious as to where they had gone?? Not really bothered though!!
A wud suspect mate as only seems to be a "problem" with yours that... a) mebbe u misread ur post count when u thought was higher? b) its been cos of deleted threads that ud posted in c) u aint posting when u think u are - its just a dream Lol - but nah a dont think theres a prob with postcounts... Keep an eye on it tho n lemme know if happens again!
Re: Re: My Post Count? did u post in any threads that were deleted? were any of ur posts deleted? that sounds like it... by all means - cud be a problem...but a think its just down to deleted posts..