Return of The King Went to see this last night all I can say is AMAZING, effects are amazing story line excellent, brilliant end to the trilogy and by far the best of the 3 films, very long thou went to see it at 7.30 didnt get out till 11.20 does not feel this long thou probs feel about 2hrs !!! Go and see it
i was forced to watch the 1st one then saw the 2nd at the flicks & enjoyed looking forward to the 3rd 'un!! altho it inevitable that i'll have a numb bum when i get out!!!
The Final battle sequence will blow you away 750,000 orks attacking Gondor, Unbelievable Its long but you are gutted when it finally finishes it makes you want MORE
Saw this yesterday afternoon. Was great, with only a minor let down IMO (Dead Men of Dunharrow only being involved in the war for about 30 seconds). Other than that, excellent.
booked the tickets today for saturday. really enjoyed the other two and expecting just as much if not more from this one though.
Saturday for me, I heard some youg'uns talking about it on the buis yesterday and they spoilt it a wee bit, I told them to shut up and that some people haven't seen it yet!