what the hell, tell em you had a car crash, in which a relative died, and you caught an std off the dirty hands of the paramedics. also tell them you got the shits from the hospital food... so then ur - mourning the loss, on the bog with the squits, suffering from back pains and shock from the crash and dont want to talk about it because of the std. winner.
think am gonna tell em i've blacked out in the shower n i got ready n was just on ma way out of the door and nearly blacked out again, dya reckon that'll be okay..?!! xxx
is mik dicking you? oooo...something to gossip about later! just say you are ill, and dont apologise, it makes you look guilty.
shut it revel, my god does everything that comes out of ur mouth hav to be filth..?!! *shots johnny evil look of disgust* !!!! lolololol!! u goin to the party later on..?!?! as if u ignored me on msn u fucker!! :evil:
:laugh: Well everybody have a nice friday night...good luck with the excuse rachel...unfortunately my boss just rang me and there is no excuses for 2nite Off 2 work...Have fun :groovy: x
aww dont worry bout it too much chick u leavin soon anyway. they dont know that u lying or anythin plus im sure u can sound convincing!!! good luck. ohhh how did the interview go today???
oh my god may i rot in hell for hwat i have just done!! it frightens me sumtimes how much of a lil actress i can be when i reeli try!!! aw they were dead dead nice i feel like a rite evil little bitch!! aw well marissa's b'day is far more important than work anyday!! will log onto msn n talk to ya via that claire!! xxx