6 days on the train, with 4 days of russian cuisine, 1 day of mongolian & 1 day of chinese! tis a canny few miles mind you...
I think its one of the downside's of being stoned most of the time...i was saying that last night.. my beautiful cream bench fleece jumper thing...hot rock in the fucking sleeve :devil: :devil: The upside's outweight the downsides though..def
if its ruined u shud jus try n sew some shit over it...make it look funky. im gunna hav to do that with one of my favourite tops...bastard rocky the size of a baked bean in the front! wah wah.
I got them in my miss sixty combats aswell...when i wear the 2 i feel like hot rock haven..what am i like..a stoner D :chill: ?) All this talk is makin me hungry...and not for food for a doobie..
Im going to Ibiza for 2 weeks, but other than that not much tbh. Am getting a new car in nxt month (hopefully) so will have more money to do stuff if I want. Mite go to a few places clubbing, but am meant to be chilling from all that so we'll see. We were going to go to Prague in September for my birthday, but on checking flight and hotel costs, we have decided not to and just go to London instead. Its affordable, but we are saving for nxt yr's holiday which is more important Other than that - sunbathe!! And enjoy
actually ive turned over a new leaf, i havent drank or had anything else since promise, if i go out tonite im staying sober and looking after myself for a bit and not ding it all the time..... ....i might even try getting fit
not staying like this for too long, and im still gonna get proper fucked at promise and the likes, just cutting down on my drinking during the week, and not going out for the sake of it and doing daft things. it was taking its toll on me n im proper run down and tired all the time so im sorting it out