Lisa lashes out Lisa Lashes has apologised after getting involved in a fight with another DJ, telling Skrufff this week ‘I deeply regret losing control’. The hard dance diva clashed with DJ Daley at the end of the night at Midlands venue Storm where the pair had both been performing last weekend (June 19). “I wouldn’t normally go around bashing people but this guy Daley has caused me enormous stress ever since he posted a link on a club message board last year, saying ‘click here to see Lisa Lashes as a porn star’,” Lisa explained. “People clicked on the link and there was footage of a girl there with red hair who looked like me, being shagged by two blokes.” “I felt totally degraded and violated and since then I’ve had numerous blokes in clubs saying to me ‘get your fucking tits out’ and it’s been really distressing. People have seen the link and taken it as being gospel,” she said. “People forget that you’re a real, normal person as well and you take things to heart but having said that, I shouldn’t have lost my temper and I’d like to apologise to Daley for any distress I’ve caused,” said Lisa. DJ Daley admitted posting the offending link ‘as a joke’ some 14 months previously though told Skrufff he’d believed the matter had been resolved back then. “Lisa didn’t see the funny side, I apologised at the time publicly on the board and the thread was deleted within 24 hours so I thought that was all forgotten about,” said Daley. “The incident on Saturday was really disappointing and not a very good end to the night , though as far as I'm concerned it's water under the bridge,” he added. “I've always respected Lisa for how far she has come within the industry and for all she has achieved so I would like to think that we can move on and get on with business.”
Lisa Does the fact that Lisa wears bondage gear and has a very obvious cleavage not make the boys shout those obscenities I guess it is ok for her to build her career off her image and not expect to have wasted guys heckle her? The question is has she had a boob job or not I vote yes Vanda
She took her bra off at tall trees, signed it and threw it into the crowd, its now on my mates bedroom wall I might try n persuade him to wear it to Promise Hard
Didnt she used to wear leather corsets and stuff. That story kinda sums it up. On the one hand throwing your bra into the crowd and then on the other asking people not to shout get them out. A bit like Posh and Becks wanting to be photographed all the time and then complaining they dont get enough privacy.
she only got to where she is because of her looks... but they went a long time ago imo but she's still managed to keep hold of the 'diva' (read bitch) attitude... she doesn't even mix her own 'mix' cd's ffs...
Ahh just what the hell really. Do feel a bit sorry for her about the thread wiv that link...but it was ages ago? If some1 did that 2 me and ppl thought it was me i wud be a bit gutted..but i wud just punch any1 in the face who sed anything to me about it