Tiesto to play at the opening of the Olympics Tiesto performing at the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games, Athens 2004. This evening on Dutch television the Greek artistic director of the openings ceremony (Dimitris Papaioannou) confirmed that they were very proud to have Tiesto as a part of their official opening of the Olympic Games of Athens 2004 on Friday August 13, 2004. He is going to spin his music live during the parade of athletes. During this parade all participating nations introduce their athletes.
Lmao hes playing for 90 mins so there is chance he might fuck up but hope he doesnt. Estimated audience of 2.2. billion
It would be so funny if he did though. Imagine if he just let the record play out or something! I am going to watch this for defo!
ive told him mate, and he didnt have anything t say!!!, he's read around other message boards aswell bout his GG set, he seemed a bit gutted!!! love winding him up!!!
I saw Tiesto play @ The Academy in Manchester a few months ago, snore he was so boring, he didn't go anywhere and the tunes he was playing were nothing special. I used to go to GC and see him play all the time, he was class but the last time i saw him i left after an hr, I hope he doesn't fuck up that though,how gutted would you be???
I hope he nails it 2bh!! Seen him at global and he dissappointed me, and wass expecting a lot. Wud like 2 see him prove his position as world no.1
hes nowhere near worlds number 1 dj imo, worlds most popular because of things like this where he gets his name around, but theres far better djs than tiesto.
Yeah, he was amazing at The Arches early this year and at last years Global Gathering, I dunno why he has went downhill of late.
i just cant class a dj as number 1 when ive seen him play more stinkers than good sets i have seen him play well, but on the nights ive seen him play good hes also been outplayed by other djs.
Own opinions and all that but Tiesto was on fire at the acadamey, nailed every mix, and tunes nothing special? saltwater - the legacy, tiesto - nyana, tiesto - dallas 4pm vs obsession, lethal industry 2004! 01 Tiesto - A Tear In The Open 02 Nickelson - Yin (Solid Globe Remix) 03 8 Wonders - The Morning After (Thrillseekers Remix) 04 Above & Beyond - No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Remix) 05 Riva - Run Away 06 Tiesto ft. BT - Love Comes Again 07 Tiesto - Dallas 4PM vs. Obsession 08 Lightscape - Inner Warmth 09 Tiesto vs. Josh Gabriel ft. Kirsty Halkshaw - Walking On Clouds (performed live by Esmaye) 10 Tiesto ft. Joanne Lloyd - Sweet Misery (performed live by Esmaye) 11 ID 12 Tiesto - Lethal Industry (Tiesto 2004 Mix) 13 Katana - In Silence (Txitarro Remix) 14 Rah - Pole Position (Airbase Remix) 15 Tiesto - Nyana 16 Tiesto ft. Kirst Hawkshaw - Just Be (performed live by Esmaye) 17 Tiesto - Traffic (Montana 12" Edit) 18 ID # 32 HMH 19 Underworld - Born Slippy NUXX (Paul Oakenfold Remix) 20 ID 21 Mike Robbins - Are You A Freak (Marcel Woods Techtrance Remix) 22 Cosmic Gate pres. Different Concept - Ultra Curve 23 Saltwater - The Legacy (Alphazone Remix) 24 Evanescence - Hello (Gabriel & Dresden Remix) 25 Tiesto - Nyana (? Remix) 26 Tiesto - Adagio For Strings That sets Awesome!