No idea, it was on the calender so i just thought i'd wish him a Happy Bday, he probably never comes on here
Oh, well that just goes to show i can't read properly then doesn't it lol. er i was just wishing him a happy bday for the last one he had thta i missed ;D
Yes, i stayed over at my mates Katies on Fri, got to bed at 2am, got woken up at 6.30am by my 18month old god son going "Aunty Cat Meow" wake up, then shopped all day sat, went to a BBQ on Sat night, got leathered and had a smoke then spent all day yesterday drinking and watching tv, got to bed at 1am need sleep zzz zzz
ha ha, very funny, i wasn't awake when i posted it properly. Cameron (my god son) is starting to learn animal noises, what noise do Cat's make? They meow so when his mum and dad call me aunty cat he meows, so "Aunty Cat Meow" has stuck, they call it me now. grr