Just had a proper look, apprently when i registered on the good greef site it logged me on there automatically. What a set of rude, obnoxious people. They just spend all day laying into each other. And the swearing :shock:, tsk tsk :tut: it would make your mother cry. No no, tis much nicer on here
i know it is, but it's viscious, on here people have a laugh and wind each other up and take the piss on there is gets really nasty, one guy told another he wanted him to catch aids, IMO that's a bit out of order.
Think thats the point... its meant to be vicious... but don't take it personally Plus its fantastic when the sick joke threads get brought up
gurn is funny i reckon....being nice all the time is for fannies. u have to be pretty quick off the mark not to have the piss ripped out of u tho! Ive met a few nice people off gurn though
mmm, maybe i'll give it another go, give as good as i gt, besides if it gets to bad i can always come running back here and have a good cry
i've 'met' one of the lads who had summat to do with runnin it.. seemed a bit of a tosser to be fair..sunglasses when dark and all that..