Im Backk Had to come home early from Ibiza for personal reasons but it was wicked!! Hows every1 been?
Re: Im Backk awww but u got to come back on plane with us!! it was totally class. loved it gutted im home, think il b really bit worse for wear over next week best nite had to b essential mix at amnesia. how good was eddie. it was unreal. lol saw armin solo 7 hr set last nite, he is amazing, havnt got enough words to say how impressed i was by armin the 3 times i saw him. he is a star went to both meganites, loved them judgement sunday with eddie, tissera and ferry. class. marco v solo set, wasnt many in but he played as always brilliantly. went to space but i didnt like it at all, left after 2 hrs, i was bored and everyone was stuck up and rude, had crap atmosphere. erm was really disapointed when went to cream for tiesto and pvd, they both played imo bad sets, it wasnt them, i got bored of both of them and i was so gutted, coz i love them both!! was at mambo most of fri nite for the radio 1 show, so got to c sasha, well hear him anyway coz couldnt get near the place i cant really remember many other things, hmmm they will come to me once ive recovered im sure.
ha ha i know but we needed sleep really. still gutted i missed eddie at bar m last nite!!! but armin made up for it.
he just sat next to me n kt n we jus looked over n looked away then both looked at each other n went ! he was looking fiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnne
i was soooooooooo tempted to get off the bus and come back down, but then i prob wud hav got there and been too scared to go talk to him anyway!!!
Re: Re: Im Backk Sounds like you had will never enjoy Bambu again now you have sampled Ibiza
ha ha this was my third time in ibiza......................... i think it beats bambu, but only just!!!