blue sunday wtf is up with everyone today? overdone it at the weekend have we all? you're all acting like 16 year old charvers with the arguments about 'cracking onto' each other g/fs! get over it for fucks sake, or take it elsewhere... then have a quiet night in on the couch with a cup of coco, knock in a good night sleep, and you'll all be ready for smile tomorrow!
everyone seemed well pissed up...i was just tired! yeah it was a wicked night...poor turnout but still enjoyed it!
i'm in a bad mood but i got every reason 2 be seen as 1 outta 3 ov ma favourite people in the world are lying to me sure mar will hav told ya the crack!!! so any of my bad moods are justifiable although not gonna air any arguments with whoever turns out to be the liar ova the msg board although i reckon it wud be rather entertaining!! anyways am gonna shut up cos shudnt even be sayin this ova a msg board just pissed off bout that and also the fact that 4 the next 12 hours im gonna be sat at this computer doin ma planning i have to hand in 4 next 12 weeks at school ggrrrr i reeli cannot be arsed like!! well dun with the lights btw!!! xxx
I feel like I'm dying today... Don't normally feel too bad....Dunno what went wrong today! :spangled: