Is he any good? Ive been to promise when he was in the backroom but always stayed in the main room tbh
aye came across as a canny down2earth bloke that night. seemed genuinely chuffed when i congratulated him on rockin it, said it meant a lot as he found it really difficult gettin passed the take that tag.
yeah, i thought he was spot on. bet he gets sick of swooning lasses remembering him on the old take that posters.
i remember having a long convo with ness bout him at the last twisted, howard donalds an amazing dj imho, really nice guy as well, i automatically assumed hed be shit cos of his take that days but he proved me completely wrong, defo one to see if you havent seen him before,
Howard Donald? fair play to him if he's managed to re-invent himself. I wouldn't mind hearing him play out - what's he spin? Anyone seen Calum Best DJing? (as in Georgie Best's lad)