Marshall Mathers LP was a decent album (and I'm defo not a rap fan) but everything since then has been cack.
Theres a track on the album called "puke" I've had the album since friday.. but I will buy the retail release 2moro.. I've got all his albums leagally so far (with the exception of infinite.. which I don't think you can buy anymore), adn I always intended to buy it anyway.. I think this album takes a while to grow on ya.. at first I was a bit hesitant about it, but now I think its canny.. but not his best work.. Personal fave is probably spend some time.. or rain man.. although I think the latter might get a pasting cos of its links to superman..
Thanks for that.. gonna have a look and see if I can "order it" now.. Seriously though I always buy stuff if I like it.. u've gotta support the artists ya like. Infinite is ok.. I think he sounds like a little boy on it though.. and its not very dark, which i find more confusin then anythin else.. Still ok though..
yes tupac is a god also like cube,snoop,warren g, nate dawg,nass,method man, rizza ,alllegends and if you ever see rizza on the decks his technical abillity wipes the floor with most offf the worlds so called top dj's
Some good stuff on it lyrically but the production is far too repetitive IMO... Must admit to not being his biggest fan anyway though...
i'll agree with that .....u forgot about Dre. and personally i think eminem's class. havent heard the new album but the recent tunes have kind of had to grow on me. probably end up lovin it amazin entertainer aswell, was doin magic tricks and all sorts when i saw him in glasgow
I've always found his albums grow on me after a few listens. Track 3 on Encore - Never Enough Dance music 90% of the time but i find Rap is great when i'm :chill:
I loved Eminem's first 2 albums. In fact I'd put The Marshal Mather's LP in my Top 10 of all time, but then with his 3rd album...hmm....I just didn't get it- it was like he'd run out of things to say. The first couple of albums are good because they are written out of genuine anger and biterness. It would be nice if he could get that back. Everything he does now just sounds samey and gimicky
You seen the video for his nu choon 'loose it'?, where hes skitting the king of pop, and theres little chinese and black kids dancing dead class. It is funny like, where he spews on MJ