:sick: I might not drink today. Didn't drink a lot last night, but hardly eaten anything lately and keep feeling sick.
He's not going to be here till 2, late like normal. Don't play on the PS2 too much then, it won't do your head any favours ok.:flowers:
My Mam + Dad must of had a couple of sly ones this morning when I went back to bed for an hour!:evil:
On me 4th. can...decided not to go to the boat. Think I'll finish all the beer then go on a diet to shed the Christmas extra pounds.
I made a bacon sandwich this morning, went to walk upstairs with it and dropped half of it (the nicer half) all over the floor
You're telling me. Saying that, we have about 8 rashers of bacon left and 2 loaves of bread, so I can easily make another