tips on withdrawal One of my ebay bidders has just emailed me asking if she can withdraw her bid as her boyfriend, unbeknown to her has been bidding on a similar item. she is the only bidder. what is the script here, do I let her pull out and hope for another bidder, or do i refuse and ask her to pay up. 4 days left on sale.
Its an excuse. Tell her she better hope someone outbids her. Otherwise she can either buy it, or have a negative feedback.
she could always re-sell it i guess bidded 35 quid as well, gutted, was my money for Valentines prezzy ah well it's the thought eh
totally. unless the price shes bidded is nowhere near the price you wanted for it..then cancel her bid and just auction it again.
i,ve fucked up before on ebay and bidded for something i didnt want.i just paid and resold it...made a small profit too
She doesn't have to ask your permission to withdraw if the auction hasn't finished, she can just cancel her bid.
hmmmm reckon she doesnj't know this though, or she would have just cancelled her bid without asking first. will consult the ebay boards reckons she's a bit of a novice as she's bid twice in 5 minutes. if anyone wants to snap up a bargain then do a searhc under thejanegirl and check out my offers. BTW I had never worn any of the items sold, though I am willing to pose for photographs for a small fee. THERE u go Pike, some sex for you...
Which was what happened to me. They used the excuse that they couldn't get in touch with me. A blatant lie.
no i say be nice and let her cancel if you've got 4 days left on the bidding then someone else will i reakon! plus if you were you were in that position do you not think you'd want them to let you withdraw?
Re: tips on withdrawal screw the bitch ... keep the cash and slag her name as much as possible:evil: :evil: erm sorry i havnt had any sugar today just resell for twice the price ..... he who drares rodders he who dares..