1, The rolling stones, bob dillon, david bowie to name a few are bands or musicians who actually mean somthing.... U2 stopped having a meaning a long long time ago.. 2, They're doing nothing right at all! there last single flopped and how many young people are into U2 3 your older than me...... all older people like U2..... my dad, grandad etc
I find them quite dull..................:yawn: And do they really need to charge so much for tickets? Talk about greed and hypocrisy....
hate to look like im taking sides, but im 19 and i love U2. think thier music is really good, uplifting i would even say. so fuck if bono lives in a mansion? its not really about raising funds, the live aid concert raised about 6 million pounds or something, and that amount of money is what africa spends in a week. Its more about raising awareness, and im sure as someone who doesnt wank over trance like a goon you know this.
what point is that jambon? i think the only point we have proved is that there are 2 young people here who do like them? :think:
Each to their own opinion. At the end of the day I think it will be amazing and really looking foweard to it. It will be well worth ther money. The point about charity is bullshit. He is helping out. He is using his fame and position to good effect. What do you expect him to do start living in a field in africa (not going to happen)
RUMOUR HAS IT...... they are headlining saturday night at Glastonbury, and since its confirmed i am definately going to Glasto theni guess i will be seeing them then........ Ah i am sooooooo excited for that!
Hm I am undecided, not sure whether to sell 2 now and keep 2 so I got my money back or just wait, decisions decisions. In fairness though people in Ebay are thick as fuck, why would they pay £250 for 2 tickets when you can get them for £100 each buy now?!?! Spence-take it you got some tickets?!