New Computer Problem

Discussion in 'Technology' started by dodgy, Apr 8, 2005.

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  1. dodgy

    dodgy rowr kitty super meow cat

    Sep 18, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Terra Firma
    137539 is the article number! :lol: ;)
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. dodgy

    dodgy rowr kitty super meow cat

    Sep 18, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Terra Firma
    Re: New Computer Problem

    Some more info would be good, eg:

    What version of Windows? If XP, is it XP, XP SP1 or XP SP2?

    How far are you getting before the error messages? Are you getting to the XP Setup console? Or is it past that, after you've formatted a partition where you actually install it?

    Is it a new hard drive? How big, and are you using the full formatting option?

    See if it's this problem also:;en-us;Q305681
  4. dodgy

    dodgy rowr kitty super meow cat

    Sep 18, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Terra Firma
    :confused: Blue DOS installation screen?

    Tell me where it stops in this little order:

    1, Turning on pc

    2, POST screen (shows drives being found, memory being checked, etc - will also say things like 'press F2 for BIOS setup' etc)

    3, Message to either press a key to boot from cd/or message about setup inspecting your system

    4, Windows setup screen - little grey bar at bottom says stuff about pressing F2 for recovery etc, then the basic components/drivers for windows are loaded

    5, Welcome to setup screen - options to setup/repair/quit

    Take it you're not getting past there otherwise you would be able to format the HD.

    Are you sure the cpu isn't too hot? And have you downloaded the latest version of the BIOS for that motherboard and flashed it?
  5. dodgy

    dodgy rowr kitty super meow cat

    Sep 18, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Terra Firma
    Have a look in the BIOS - it should say in there, but it may be wrong - which is why I'm suggesting to download the latest BIOS for that motherboard and flash it before trying anything else, that's most likely the problem.

    Since he's just built it, check that the memory's seated correctly, also try swapping it around too (different slots).
  6. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i've had it b4 wyhen installing certain machines... it's a hardware problem somewhere. it makes it look like it's failing reading from the CD so people think 'ahhh fooked CD' but it ain't. it's a compatability/hardware issue somewhere. Try some different memory. if you've got 2 sticks of RAM, just use 1... then the other. strip all the CDRoms, Hard disks off - try a clean build with as least number of perpi.. perif... perpif... hardware bits on.

    Oh yeah, get the most recent BIOS update as dodge sais...
  7. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    definitely sounds like MEMORY problems..

    I had the exact same problem, same error code and everything... it came down to my memory at first being fucked
    (i knew this cos my on board video card was dodgy until i plugged a different stick of ram in what with the video on board using shared memory).

    So i got some new memory...great i thought...

    wrong.... ends up my processor was fooked too ..still kept getting errors , i even tried 3 avail!!

    so whatever knacked my memory knacked my processor too, and possibly my motherboard which ive now replaced anyways ...

    once i replaced these everything ran fine..installation was fine.

    one thing i will say is memory is the more likely culprit. As there is that many brands, that many types, and that many speeds now that unless you have all the same top branded memory in, you will probably have problems... make sure your motherboard can take the memory firstly...check out for ECC and Non ECC, make sure the bus speeds match with the cpu etc etc...

    basically check your MEMORY
  8. dodgy

    dodgy rowr kitty super meow cat

    Sep 18, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Terra Firma
    I'm not a video card. :p

    Anyways, @ Si - the main reason for that stop error at that point of the install is because Windows starts loading drivers for your hardware, and it then communicates with something that says it has a problem. 9/10 times it's because the BIOS isn't fully compatible with the OS/has issues to begin with, so you need to flash it. The rest of the time it's due to a, memory (not necessarily faulty memory though, or you'd get a different error); b, overheating; or c, a hardware fault.

    Since you say that your mate built it, if he's not very experienced with building pc's it'd probably be a good idea to get someone else to have a look over it. But only after you've flashed the BIOS and swapped the memory into different slots (or tried just one stick if you have two as MoS says). Don't go buying anything else though until you're sure you know what the problem is - even if you can't get someone to look at it for free a £35 charge could be cheaper than buying stuff you don't need.

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