Titmuss & Sharpe have been in the Love Shack. Nikki went back into the resort. Jayne & Paul made a bet that Paul couldnt get into Nikki within two days ... it took Paul just two hours They were starting to get it on in Lee's bed but then took it to the male bathroom ... 2mins:58seconds later they come out looking all flushed and Paul's got a massive grin on his face.
Apparently yeah cause he went straight to where they were all hanging out by the pool and told Jayne.
We have to stop watching this program and the other 7 million people as its SAD to watch it according to DickvanDyk
was likin the comment about him bein a cock muncher and havin a small 'wanger' i dont think any of the women are that special like, non of them stand out personality wise, on looks, isabella maybe, she's cute!(aslong as she keeps her whingin mouth shut)
Nah i dont fancy any of them, woul ddo jane and abi tho.... Only watch it cos paul is a complete tool and makes me laugh
that issabela is cute but she's a bit of a baby sometimes, don't know what to think of abi sometimes i like her, sometimes i don't. Fran is total yummy. jane at the beginning when she couldn't get lee sharpe how spoilt???? and when she wanted to go home??? :wtf: i'd give my right arm to be there!!!
I understand how Jane must have felt though because she was gutted bout Lee and had no1 to speak to bout it apart from a crappy camera in a diary type room! I like Fran and Paul is funny not that arsed bout the rest!