Wash Flannels This has been buggin me for many a year. The demise of the wash flannel. When I was a nipper no bathroom was complete without a face/wash flannel... EVERYONE USED ONE. Now you never see them EVER. WHY?
cause every one just has a shower now, no one just washes anymore. I have one of those scrub things that makes you shower stuff foam up loads. Maybe they've been replaced by those.
I've got loads of them in a cupboard in the bathroom. Used them all the time when I was a bairn but now just jump in the shower instead of just having a wash.
There definatly for babies like, cause you get bathed in the sink when your a baby. Be pretty hard to do that now.
So True. I got one sent to Work from the Royal Bank of Scotland. A white one with blus writing on it. Bizarre but guess it's a unique idea Flannels go all horrible and smelly though when they are left on the side of the bath for more then 2 days:sick:
i use them on the little one, better than spitting on a hanky and scrubbing their face like me grandma used to
Whys that, its what all the cool kids are doing. I stand in our sink and throw water on myself, until i'm totally wet takes a while but its really good fun.
thats half the fun, mind you don't slip like, cause you in for some serious injuries, tap up the arse:spangled: :cry2: :strop: :bonkers: