mr ted @ sunday trading after GKGG just had a phone call of mr ted askin if i would post bout this cos he is too tired to type after his 8 hour shift fuckin chickens! just to let u all know ted is playin at ST after gods so everyone should go...will be a nice little after session after global gatherin mefinx! seem to remember he sed he was playin 7 - 8.30...although im not sure! fink i mite be wrong but im sure once he regains the energy to type he will put the correct times up! that ok chief?
hahah excellent thankyouu chief!! thats super!! time is 7.30 till 8.30 just to bring yas alldown nicely after the messy madness that is going to be gkgg or for all them hardcore peeps who just dont stop!! hope to see ya'sall there!!
will be there of course son.... and i fink everyone should make an effort coz sunday trading is always a nice end to the weekend esp when all your mates are there (and ted is rather good as well!!)
Im sure i will make it down after gkgg! should be good always like to end the weekend with a bit of sunday trading!
aye paul.. hes ok like! hehehe ill b there just to finish off the wkend tho! dont for get my sunday trading dates (see my signature).
Will deffo be there making my Sunday Trading debut to see Mr.Ted in action as it doesnt look like I'm going to GG *cries*
Me is muchos skintos and need money for my holiday, plus I want to be fresh to see you at Sunday Trading
*Geordie Cries* Mate man at least try to go - fook that campin holiday in Skegness u lucky bastard !! Ive heard word from the man himself that Ibiza was the best he has ever done - u know the lad that done them tapes he aint spoken yet like and rang when i was goin into Cyberdog so i had to cut him off as it was like goin into a Club Seems like ages we spoke Sweeney mate sort summit out man Gkgg will ge unreal and ive gotta introduce ya to someone v.v.v.special - it aint Gielen either
Im trying but im working saturday now but could change shifts possibly. I can see these being my famous last words Jonny boy!! But Ive got to be fresh for Teds set on sunday though
Txt me or summit if ya know ya goin - if ya in need of a lift and aint got the £££ for the bus then let me know as im stayin down there from Fri - Wed u see - hope ur is goin alreet too - looks like ive missed ya again on here so PM me when ya next on with ur "Busy" Schedule And as for the last words hmmmmmm i think they shall be shared as weve flocking said them enough aint we
I'll be there - it's also the birthday party of one of the residents (Steve Linney) and his girlfriend, so it should be a good one!
ahh excellent seems like it will be a good nite then ave to keep my self a lil fresh faced after gkgg then!!
hmmmmmm, fresh faced.....dont like the sounds of that mr!!! hehe! but s'pose i can let u off since ill be lapping up the excellent trance that ul be playing! mwah!!