Livin with your parents... i actually can not handle my parents... its just got worse n worse since I got back after being away for 3 years...
Its one of the best things,When i lived with my parents it was all me washing done,meals cooked,dishes washed,mam didnt mind if i had partys,When i brought lasses home she was allright about that,she was dead laid back about it,and my dad was hardly ever in coz he worked taxis,as well as another day job.. But if you want that lil bit extra freedom youve gotta move out,specially when u get girlfriend up the But yeah livin wiv parents is well cool!
yeah thats what i thought, and it is too some extent... i get dinner made, and no bills/rent or anything... but i just have no fuckin space to myself...
The cost of renting down there is canny high init?than up here. Suppose you'll just have to get your arse back up here.
I live with my parents and they do my head in all the time. The only reason im still there is financial reasons (plus access to a computer and Sky TV). But im starting a new job in September so once i get my first paycheque at the end of that month im gonna look for a place. Yer right Doggie, ya dont get any space to yourself, no time to think, they are always just there when ya really dont want em to be. Also i really dont get on with me Dad, we only speak to argue (though that usually stems from the fact that he is an alcolholic). Hes perfectly reasonable when i talk to him sober but that doesnt happen very often. I lived away in York for 13 months up until a year ago and coming back was nice for a while but now its just pissin me off. My main solution is just to try and be in the house as little as possible. How long r u stuck with them Doggie? R u workn in London for the year cos i though u was gonna go abroad for yer placement year?
Hey matey hou u doin? stuck in London for a year... spose i will save a lot of money, but still, like u i dont really get on too well with dad, its not like we have arguement, its just i have nothing to say to him, all he does is watch tv!! Was tryin to go abroad for placement, then this one in London came up, so i thought i might as well take that... Will have opportunity to move/work abroad when i finish I would never be in this house had i the money and car to do it!!
im bk home in darlo for the summer bk from uni livin with my 'rents and there a pain in the ass.... when i eventually get on my dex im always told 2 turn it down and do sumthin usefull like hoover up or sumit :spangled: ah well.... bring on 2weeks time when i mooove in2 my nu place!
Moving out was one of the best things I ever done I reckon now I don't just have one room to myself I got my whole place. The only minus is the fact it gets fucking boring sometimes if Bargain Hunt isn't on or anything Even though I moved out Im usually at my mammas house anyway watching cable and messin about on the computer. You'd think the bitch would be happy to see me but she moans Im here more than when I lived here. Cheeky cow
Re: Livin with your parents... well i think you should come bak to newcastle then!!!!!!!!! then u wouldnt have any problems wot so ever!
i hate living with my rents, it was so class when they were away last week, coz i didnt have to worry about letting them know that i wasnt coming home, i could just go out on friday night, and not go home til the following wednesday, and i liked it now they are back and ive gotta tidy up and everything, and ive gotta let em know where im gonig and when i'll be back, which is hard coz most of the time im not too sure myself
it never bothered me much when i lived at home..i have always got on v.well with my mam...probably coz we are a like in some she is quite mad....all my mates think she is a bit of a nutter...but in a good way...she was gutted when i moved out..she still asks me to come back home....
I feel like such a freak, I live with my dad and I actually like it!!! It is cool, I don't have to do much myself and I don't get any hassle, he leaves me to do what I want and I leave him to do what he wants, pretty cool really!