my eye hurts one of my eyes is really stinging an sore it was fine when went to bed then when when i woke it its all red and swollen on one side, dunno why tho i havnt got hay hayfever or anythin
a sty?! possibly.... if it keeps swelling up and takes over your face. if green discharge starts leaking from ya eye, then its conjunctivitis!!!
Don't rub it though cos it will get bigger or infect your other eye. Know it'll be annoying but think how much worse it'll be in both of your eyes Hope you're ok though sweetie x
i think its just sunburnt coz is peelin on the side of my eye now. one of the girls at work said she thinks i prob just been scatching it or rubbing it last nite oops bit of a drama queen, but it cud of been somethin serious
Eyedrops usually help so whatever it was in your eye gets kind of washed oot! I have trouble with my eyes itching!
yeah the girl in my office is goin home at lunch and gonna bring me some eye drops in she said to stop it from itching and stuff