being a total wuss... this girl i like was there on friday, YET AGAIN!, and i am a total wuss, and hardly said a word to her.... mind u, i was more involved in dancing to hardwick.....and being pissed.... but next time!!!
Re: being a total wuss... Sort it out man, its easy just go up to her get talking, get her number. Then if you want to ask her out just said a text or something. Not the most romantic way but if she says yes what does it matter!!!
Re: Re: being a total wuss... ive talked to her b4....but now i just cant seem to do it again! we talked for ages last time too.... ah well....its all bout the music...aint it?
Re: Re: Re: being a total wuss... It is your right! I think maybe you should talk to Dr Love the man gives sound advise Hehehehe!
go on son... "so, do you come here often?" or "nice tits, fancy a fuck?" or "you cant dance for shit, let me teach you to waff and wiggle"
bit of a random..... i keep meeting her, and bumping into her all the time, at different things and places....
now thats a story... i saw her in bar M one night, and i knew fine well she went to my school.. so i went across and said... "do you go to my school?" haha worked a treat
The best line to use is - "so are u gonna get off with me then" If she says yes - result If she says no - say "thats ok cause I'm gay, I was only trying to piss my boyfriend off" Also if a real minger is trying to come onto you just say your gay and they soon piss off. Works a treat on the boat with the animals that are sometimes on there.
don't get stuck in the downward spiral that is being bashfull when talking to women mate, it ain't good. there's no hope 4 me but save urself while there's still time. I'd have have thought having a free house would have spurred u into action. Invite her round for a meal john, oysters, red wine a fine cheese then impress with ur mixing skills. Then **BANG** into the kingsize and she's urs . Goodluck mate go for it, bite the bullet. (pity i don't take my own advice really)
Tell Dr love who the woman is. If she has captured you heart she needs to know and dr love can be your middle man!
awwww, u gotta speak up hun, ive just went through a few month of not speaking up, and now that i have, i feel alot better for it, just go and talk to her and after youve been talking for a while tell her u like her, but make sure u compliment her, we love that!!!!!