If you had to be If you had to be something totally different (pref not human) for a time in your life (forever, a week, a day etc) what wuold you be and why? I think i'd be a sea animal for a while, love swimming and have always wondered what it'd be like to live underwater, see all the reef and stuff, breathe through gills, find those crazy fish with laterns on their heads at the bottom of the sea....
i used to talk in pink writing, back in the day id wouldnt wanna be anything thats not human but id want to be someone whos mega rich just to experience a life without worrys for a week..
i'm ahead of the times!! in all fairness i prob only write in pink so i can see where I last posted on things and so can catch up..... (but i do love pink)
what are you talking about you crazy woman, you're typing is black at this end! are you colour blind? i bet you think clarki's a nigger
yeh i know what you mean, me and mum have always scraped though stuff, we always enjoy doing and buying things we really shouldn't but hey life is for living!!! :angel3:
yep its defo black on my creen, sorry chic think you have colour issues you may never hav realsied...
I sware down, my board is blue and white....... its black and white then when i log in everything goes blue???
thats crazy??mine is bluey-grey, black and white but writing is always black except mine! ah well at least you're in colour too not like these people who only use black
yup the only writing thats black on mine is the board everything that anyone posts is blue or pink in your case