Ibiza 2005 Well, what can I say? It was amaaaazing! Never been so tired in my whole life as what I was yesterday tho- I slept for 16 hrs or summat! Our hotel was dead nice- not one of those massive ones but a small one with a nice pool, and it was right by the sea! Will try and upload my photos soon. We were close to Cafe Mambo- really wanted to go there on the Friday night to see Pete Tong but never did unfortunately. We were also close to Kanya, Sun Sea Bar and Costline which are dead nice! Can't believe we got our tickets in advance when we cudda got free ones at those bars on the Tues and Thurs nights!! Will know for next time I spose. On the Sunday night we went down the west end, and I didnt realise what huge shots of vodka they give you plus I'd had fuck all to eat so I was well pissed by the time we got to Eden!! Then when we got in there I had a few little fellas and felt seriously fucked- think poor Lee thought I was going to die! So yeah i don't remember all that much about that night - some good tunes were played tho (adagio for strings, indicator...). I dunno what I think of Eden really- it's a bit of a chav club innit- reminded me of Ikon and Diva! And the loos had no locks. Liked the funky room tho! Tuesday was Armada which was the most disappointing night there largely thanks to fucking remy (tosser!) who played boring prog and then somehow got from that to horrid hard trance- the sort that sets yer teeth on edge! He was on for aaages too so when armin came on he played hard was well. He did play a few good tunes (I think every single DJ played that new Dogzilla tune- it's massive!) but overall that wasnt the best of nights. Loved Amnesia tho, esp the DJ booth! Thurs morning we got up early and went to Space, which again I loved! They only had the terrace bit open but it had a well good atmosphere. the crowd were funny- loads of gay guys, and lasses with huuuuuuuge sunglasses on! Then we went for a wander round Playa D'en Bossa and I had the biggest burger known to man!! Thursday night was absolutely amazing!! Adam Sheridan was on first (weirdly) and didnt play very hard at all (which is good- I wanted proper trance after Tues!!) then Gabriel and Dresden came on and played Beautiful Things (yay!) and then......................... PVD! What a set!! Was pretty much dying on my feet by this time but he totally blew the place away. I think when he dropped Skydive may have been the happiest moment of my life! Seriously never seen a DJ have such a good judgemenet of what the crowd wanted. He played Beachball too, and Darkside of the Moon and like a million other top tunes! We saw loadsa ppl from Promise in there too, and Lee saw some uni mates. You can't go anywhere! I'm sure I saw a camel in the terrace room at Amnesia as well........................... Friday night we went to Privilege for Ibiza Rocks. I had been looking forward to seeing the world's biggest club but they only had a little bit of it open However, we did get to go backstage Saw Mylo backstage but didnt know what to say to him, cos I think his music's shite and i couldnt exacty say that could I!! Also saw Andy, Mike and Claire from Manu, and The kaiser Cheifs!! The Kaiser's played really well, just a shame I was so tired On the Saturday I went for a wander round San An- there's loads of bars we didnt have time to visit! Saw this weird cyber shop but it was shut. Also- how expensive are all the club merchandise?! 10 euros for a Space keyring?! Fuck off! Mind u, drinks are canny expensive in clubs too. 10 euros for a vodka and coke?! Fuck off! Hehehe. Even a teeny bottle of water is 8 euros in Amnesia, so I made it last all night. Saw some right states being carried out of Amnesia tho Anyway.... that was our holiday. Defo need to go back. I wanna do Space on Sunday and Manumission on Monday and I need to go to Cafe Mambo!!
Sounds like you had an awesome time, cant wait till I go, not sure when, but will have to be sometime soon
as if you bought your tickets before you went and as if you didnt go to mambos and as if you think mylos shite sounds like you had a good one
PVD was the highlight of the holiday for me! What a fucking set! I was well impressed. I havent enjoyed a set that much in ages! It was totally boiling hot and packed in there at the start of his set but thankfully that got better later on and we had more room to enjoy what was one of the sets of the year for me so far! Was also very impressed with Adam Sheridan and G&D had there moments too. It was a nice club too, the DJ box looked cool. And, yes, there was a random red telephone box and a model camel in the other room. That was nowt to what we had seen at Coastline earlier that night tho Even though I was majorly tired by Friday night, I enjoyed seeing the Kaisers at Ibiza Rocks too. It was a nice change to the dance music and I had always wanted to see them live because I love their stuff and they always seemed to play good live so I'm glad I wasn't disappointed. Was a shame I didnt get to see all of Privilege tho. Mylo was on b4 them so I had to endure a bit of him too. Going to Space on Thursday daytime was really cool too. The music suited the club and the atmosphere and it was nice just to people watch for a bit. I defo needed some huge glasses to really fit in tho. Ermm.........Eden was a cool club too. Especially liked the decor in the other room, was dead comfy! Ferry played best (if he was on, Georgina said she didn't see him) but I dunno if Jules turned up. With it being in the West End there was a fair amount of chavs but never mind. And yes I did think Georgina was gonna die! Armada was probably the worst night I had out. Remy just spoilt if for me Im afraid. Armin did play alright but I've seen much better from him. It was nice to be in a cool Amnesia tho! Hehe. Wht else? Well, I really liked going in the pool, i enjoyed our view from the balcony because I could people watch all the time, and a nice little beach was a minute away so that was good when I wanted to go in the sea. Coastline and SunSea bars were nice too and I found a place that made luuuuuuuvly lasagne! It was weird how many people I saw that I knew tho. The only night that it didnt happen was at the Kaisers night. That freaked me out a bit. Hehe. The hotel was nice too (even tho it was a bit squeaky!). It wasn't too busy or big so it was easy to just chill by the pool when u wanted to. The sea view out the front was lush too! They did seem to like to play Basement Jaxx a lot tho. Overall it was amazing! So much more left to do tho! And Im so glad I got to go with Georgina! I've probably missed some stuff out but that'll have to do for now. Basically I had the time of my life! :groovy:
Grrrrrrrrrr it won't let me put any photos up- says they're all too big! Stupid message board! And Mylo is as shit as shit can be- dunno how anyone can like him
Did you see Jon (R U Tribal) and Jamie Bracken (Katies boyfriend) on Thursday? Glad u had a lovely time
It sounds like you had a lovely time darlin!! Im glad you did Ibiza is wild always loads of good stories to tell!! Amnesia sounds like it was wikid You probably did see my boyfriend but I doubt he saw you I doubt he saw much!! Im missing him now a lot x