These new(ish) O2 missed call alerts Do my swede right in :evil: You even get them when you purposely cut people off - WHATS THE POINT!!!!!!!!!! *throws phone out of window*
Orange have done them for ages. Good if people who hate leaving answerphone messages ring you when your phone is off/has no signal
what?? >edit, oh right so it tells you who couldn't get through to you? thats a class idea. unless you're hannahwild who has trouble fending off madders and his shrivelled pillcock 24/7. oh sorry hannah i said cock again. are you going to flip your lid?
They do my nut in aswell like.My phones quite capable of telling me i have a missed called without o2 sending me a text every time i miss one aswell
utter headfart's these are, my phone is never off and has its own missed call list as do 99% of all phones, proper annoyingly shit, even more so when they turn up 3 days late this thread is an idea for me to email o2
Nobody know a way to stop them? Only some o2 users get them at the minute i am one of the unlucky ones who does
lol mine does and its kinda both handy AND anoyin it does let u know about missed calls that sometimes u wouldnt know about e.g i turn my phone off during the nite when ive got work the next day BUT it only gives u the number of who's called not who that number belongs to in ur phone book , so u still have to look thru all ur numbers to see who it was who's call u have missed !!!
I started getting these on ym old sim card but I dont with my new one. Totally useless in my opinion! You think you have a msg from someone but u dont Also, I don't see why i need to be told someone has called me cos my phone will let me know. If my phone has been off or out of signal the person will no doubt phone me back later and if not it couldn't be that important.