Rules of Engagement in Iraq Does anyone know what the `Rules of Engagement` are for our boys in Iraq? seeing the pics of the Warrior crew getting burned alive by the baying mob while not shooting back baffled me.... surely the don't fire until fired upon rule would come into play here? the fuckers were trying to burn our troops to death!!! the poor fucking squaddies are probs scared to death off getting sued buy the pc brigade if they shoot any poor Iraqi.... cut loose with the 30 mm next time I say
"This ones wounded" BANG "Not anymore" *sounds of laffing* That video summed up the us technique in Iraq very well I thought
who said that the queen, well of course its shit compared to her house, she lives in a palace for fucks sake.
apparently they want an apology for us storming there prison an rescuing our people,,,,,, course we just want anotha 2 be-headings floating around in a few days dont we....FUCKING MUGS THAT THEY ARE
And if they have a grenade or a petrol bomb which they will be blatantly be throwing your way - you cant shoot them till its left their hands and is en route
bollocks innit,,,,,,,IMO if u eradicate the media from all this it would be soooo much easier for the lads over there. Fair 1 they bring back the pics an all that shait but they act like the biggest wooden spoon.a bet the propaganda that the rebels have gained from this hiccup has done them the world of good
Did you not hear the shit being spouted by some of the iraqi police on channel 4 directly after the soldiers were freed? They organised the protests and demonstrations, with everyone blindly believing local rumour that they had shot at shia pilgrims. Iranian TV was carrying a similar story which is to be expected - they want to destabilize the region so they can expand into it.
Pilgrim (noun). 1. A religious devotee who journeys to a shrine or sacred place. 2. One who embarks on a quest for something conceived of as sacred. 3. A traveler. Pilgrimage (noun). # A journey to a sacred place or shrine. # A long journey or search, especially one of exalted purpose or moral significance.