u slag!!! any one had the bombay bad boy yet? just had one and i was sweatin my tits off! ded nice tho?!!!!!!
There's one downstairs in my cupboard, but to be honest im scared of confronting it from what ive heard about em... :groovy:
Me wants them new ones like cant beat a fookin hot curry or spicy food @ that - shame the next day feels like ya shitting thru the eye of a needle dont it MOZ > Add me on msn : jon_tino@hotmail.com
Yeah I had one a while ago - they are lush I like the little packet with the sauce in that has little comments down the side as a kind of hardness level. I won't write them cause 1. I can't remember what it said 2. I won't spoil it for all the people who havent had one
i must admit i bottled buying one last night cos ive heard they are evil... plumped for nice n spicy and a hot chicken curry instead
hahha me and gav were going to get one each last nite but i bottled it and so did he come think of it!! neva mind!!!
there not even that hot. nowt compared to the indians round the corner, now they have some serious spice
Yeah I goto admit mine didn't seem that hot even though i put all that stuff in. Might be cause I was washing it down with 3 litres of cider though. Oh happy days
Ive had a canny few so am immune to em now Must admit tho...the first time it kicked my head in!!!!!!
The curiosity got the better of me, and i have just experienced the heat of the bombay bad boy... whoever said it wasnt hot, was wrong. I have easily just drunk at least a litre of pop to try n cool down... ur right about the sweating as well... u would think i had just ran a fukkin marathon... :evil: But at least i can say i have tried em :groovy: