Sunset That sunset tonight was fuckin' lush, the whole sky was just lookin great! anyone else notice it?
The sunrise was too!! Was driving home and the horizon was a soft orange with a big fluffy ball of orange where the sun was coming up
it's so rare boys say stuff like this without prefix-ing it with "I don't want to sound gay but..." I think it's nice when people notice stuff like that though
just like the other week, i was having a really bad day so i went for a walk along the promenade between north shields and tynemouth. It is so dark you can see everything in the sky and i managed to see two shooting stars within seconds of each other. ive never seen anything like it and i admit, it was great. I recommend walking along there, its mint when your mind is like a blender.
i noticed the sunset on my way home from work like was stuck in traffic n out my mirror could just see the top half of the sun over the brow of a hill (whickham actually....lovely ) it still looked lush though, lovely orangey colour
just after he took it he spray painted a large penis with text book squirts coming out of it on the side of the Redheuge