Reinstalling Internet Explorer

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Swana, Jan 31, 2006.

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  1. Swana

    Swana Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    Reinstalling Internet Explorer

    I recently setup a wireless network for a mate who I'd previously sold my old comp too.

    Before I sold the comp I installed all the latest windows patches so installed my ISP (at the time; freeserve software + modem) to do so. Once it was all tip top I uninstalled teh modem and software.

    My mate is now with Tiscali but when you load IE up it still says in the title bar that its provided by Freeserve. And it wont bring up webpages because it gives the 403 error. Looked it up, and it says its to do with corrupt ISP data.

    So I'm thinking its to do with the fact it still has Freeserve details set somewhere.

    Can I unistall IE and reinstall it? If so how?
    I thought it was part of SP2 and cant be arsed reinstalling all that.......
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    it's just changed certain bits in the registry. a few fairly simple lines.

    fucked if i can remember what they were :D

    nar, if u had an account with freeserve, you could get a little downloadable setting program that would create your dial connection, Outlook Express settings, proxy details, etc - it's was a simple text file BUT it'll point you to where the regsitry items need to be changed back.
  4. Swana

    Swana Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    Just had a quick look, seems the title bar can easily be edited in the windows registry.

    So are there still old settings set deeper somewhere, might have to run a reg checker see if that solves it. :confused:

    Just remembered also the error message refers to the Access Control List :spangled:
  5. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    check proxy settings... it's tries to go to freeserves proxy servers i think...
  6. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    What you need is X-Setup from here.

    It allows you to edit various settings for IE which are stored in the registry without having to wade through thousands of settings ;)

    (These settings include toolbars, the IE title on the window, default search engine, etc)
  7. Swana

    Swana Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    I installed Firefox aswell cos I was pretty sure the Internet connection itself was working. And that works fine!

    So defo some setting which IE is going to....

    I disabled using a proxy server as that prevents MSN messenger from working....

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