Bank Holiday Sunday Pure Anthems 2 “The best launch night Foundation has ever seen!” Glenn Horsborough (Galaxy) + Guests bring back the Classic anthems, the laser lighting and the most amazing crowd cheering each bass pounding anthem. “Bring on the next Bank Holiday please!” “ONE MORE TUNE!” you Begged...well here you go! Sunday 28th May @ Foundation Entry £6 before 11 £8 after cheaper admission if you've been to the baltic before hand. Soon as Foundation closes why not go up to Logic bar where you can enjoy balearic tunes, fully english breakfast and beer being served up to 6 in the morning.
Re: Bank Holiday Sunday Badger, I am going to the Baltic on Thursday to see a brand new exhibition of Tibetan Llama droppings artistically rearranged by Damien Hirst's neighbours postman. Does this mean I get in cheaper to your event or are you talking about people who have been to THE SHINDIG 14th BIRTHDAY PARTY If your going to say it then don't skirt the issue, say it loud and say it proud instead of trying to be all PC + clever. I myself will be at the SHINDIG AFTERPARTY at DIGITAL where I imagine any self respecting person 'who has been to the Baltic beforehand' will be. Oh, and it's only £6 in all night regardless of where you have been beforehand!
Pure Anthems I took a gamble on this event last time, and it has beat any shindig since it left foundation - im sure the after party at digital will be ok but who wants an "after" party at 12am when you can just walk up the hill - (especially if it is pissing it down and i trust the bbc weatherman who says it will) and relive the classic tunes that made shindig in the first place. oh and then go to the bar over the road and carry on till 6am - now that is a real after party!!!! As for the lasers thing - one was quality, and if you get in touch with the club they will tell you this time there are green, blue and red lasers for the second one - but we arnt there for that we are there for the rush that those tunes bring - and im afraid the last one left a dance floor of people chanting for more when it came to end end... now that is the mark of a quality night....
mind you can take them all with a pinch of salt.. last year it was meant to rain and we had a nice hot day... feckin weather men
Some people have came on here and talked some shite in their first post, but that has to be up the with the best (or worst) of them. Slating another night based in the same city as you in an attempt to increase numbers is low :tut:
and why say 'the tunes that made Shindig what it is' when a) scooby, bradford and armstrong wont be playing b) they are playing trance You know when you night is going down the pan when you resort to measures like this
tbf I think I've got more shindig anthems in my box than Glenn Horsburgh has. I've yet to see foundation recover from the loss of shindig, stone love and wax on... they're not going to do it by trying to be "just like shindig in the good old days", they need to find a "nu_direction" :laugh: and go with it. I don't call the tacky nights they have on at the moment a new direction either.
Re: Re: Pure Anthems everybody is entitled to there own opinion i guess... i had a blinder at the last one and so did many others, no-one is saying shindig is shit just that it has taken a different direction and left a void that pure anthems filled... so how is that a bad thing... oh and as for the weather thing the last time i checked it was going to rain - all the better if it doesnt i dont want to get wet either...
Re: Re: Re: Pure Anthems Not in so many words, eh Utter bollocks. It's moved venue, that's it. Shindig is probs one of the only clubs around that has lasted as long by sticking to is original music policy. House music may have changed slightly over the years but, it's always been the style they've played out - not selling out and following the latest trend like certain clubs around the country.* *Or by relying on an "Anthems" night to try and fill the club