I have 4 ill have u know so i dont know which one ur talkin about. Ok im talkin crap now. Just hit me!!!
YAYyYYYYYY fanks liljem ur a star!!! Better than these other fairies!!:rolleyes:
This is my post and it aint gay!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I demand u change that to "This is the best post ever and everyone loves...
Yes mr smart alec i know messy will be there:rolleyes: duuuuhhh
Its Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles ill have u know and the great Splinter himself taught me all my moves. And yes Bouze i am also the king of...
erm *blushes* Think ill pass:p
Clothes What is every1 wearin to messy's b'day ?? (dont say clothes:D ) Is it casual or are peeps dressin up in cyber n stuff? Also who is...
Oh c'mon u english peeps. (sooo boring) Yes im weird but thats why u like me!!!! And no fufu i wouldnt take my word for it. As much as u...
OIIIII!!!! Ill have u know im hard as fuck!!!! I can do 5 push ups and 4 sit ups. And i know kung foo!!! ( i taught myself):p
What? Whats the closest thing to a womens period? Your wages!! It comes once a month, lasts about 3 or 4 days and if it doesnt...
Yeah ur all wooses. Fairies the lot off u. Us Norfeners are well hard. *DEXTA flexes his muscels* GRRRRRR!!!!!
:eek: :eek: :eek: I never lie. I was not scared!!!! Guess its just cos im naturaly hard and u guys are just woosies:p
Yeah that rabbit piccie is coooollll!!! I just watched that for ages!!
LMAO@Smart-E.......... Im keepin my mouth shut *giggles*
That was a mighty small sleep. bout 2 hours. U really should sleep more or the rest of ur biography will be totally crap. :D Rite of to ask ur...
OI ur s'posed to be sleeping!!!!:D :D
The Smartone was away at the SS birthday bash on sun. grrrrrrr@smart-e. I wanted to go:( Iv been informed by a reliable source that he is...
:o Mornin alllllll!!!!!!!!! IV got the day off. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hahahah. But im sitting in on my poota:confused: :confused: Ok im...
U better have been invited mate cos i think im goin wif u:p :p Messy the name ludo rings a bell!! Care to remind me??:confused:
Separate names with a comma.