I am here. Just ignorin imature remarks from bananaman. Im mature me:) :)
Na just u try hards:p Us cyber twats will b wearin the same stuff:)
Just leave it till wen i see u face 2 face. And let Laura beat u up:p :p :p
oooo NEW FILM!!!!!! Wicked new film
Good golly How does she go 2 the toilet?
Re: Where's Dexta gone? Hehe:) Not sayin a word:p :p *sniggers* Dig dig dig
i dont own a white cyberdog t-shirt!!!! 1-0 cybers:p
Thats cos joe phoned me up and we arranged it:rolleyes: :rolleyes: And who wud wana look like Freddy Lundberg :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :cool:
Confuzzled it was probs Ross u where talkin 2. Hes always in tweed:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Lets face it some if u didnt have arrogant cybers,...
Ill have u know theres only two of us "felt tip pens" and we both look god damm sexy and u luv us really :D :D :D :D :D
I do like 2 b differant!! Baaaaaaaaaa:p :cool: And yeah it is better. No junk mail. Well a little but nufin compared to Hotmail:)
heheheheeee u well nasty:p :p
I aint that way inclined;) ;) OMG ud alll wear cyber. Even Mr Revel...???? But i have to still decline:( I can give u copius amounts of...
Il made a litlle colage(sp) on my wall. sad i know but true:( Slops u still wantin the bday poster? Iv got the bday one and ones wif the...
I seem to be the only person on Msn not usin Hotmail!! I gave up ages ago as i got soooooooo much junk (even wen usin the filter thingie) Now...
I got some of the older ones but i only got 1 of each and i want em. soz:(
U aint got much eveidence. Just one fotie???? :D :D
Thought a lot of u "funky" peeps didnt go cyber cos u couldnt b botherd wif the effort and it was easier to just pull on jeans n t-shirt. By the...
Not really that hard seing as theres two of us:rolleyes: :rolleyes: But thanks anyway:)
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