what i borrow them off yor gran techno :p yes smart cumn answer phones wif me u ostrich!!! :love:
ah yes spooky is back!!!sometime in sep is the best time!! AHa u hAave a royal staus like princess jane!! :p
smart e get a job!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: good luck ;) :p
hopefuuly!!!!! but that mr derick better turn up this time!! yes and still no news on mr gielen!!! :confused:
she has gone anywhere she is still reading and laughing!! :p
hahha me and gav were going to get one each last nite but i bottled it and so did he come think of it!! neva mind!!! :p
that was the plan like yep but didnt wrk me finx!!! :p
only questions i have on my mind as well!!! and well done kerry!!! :)
hahha nikki them pics are from when we were waiting for mr 00 flemings music to come on is that right waiting to dance!! :)
yes isnt far now and managed to get sat nite off!!! horray!! :p
yes was the best ragey trance me has heard in a while!! how much u pay again dave and were from?? :p
yes lets all play nice!! :p
happy birthday doggie well have a b/day drink wif u on fri chief!! :p
sorry couldnt get down steve what was it like?? :)
yes will second that kermit is a legend wif his back and forwards funky dance!! :)
dog arrrrggghhh i cant get my d/l thinge to wrk send me a pm wif instructions pleaseeee!! :D
aha mr revel hehe its secret but will wil tell u mr dj revel!! ;)
hahaha are u drunk si??? yep will be playing next sat should be good almost had to wrk twats but told them!! yeah st was class was ded busy...
ahh thanknyou si just got home girlfriend and helz are coming ova we ave some wine plus all house peeps are out!?! at promise me finx!! how are...
can i join ya's pleaese!!! mine is cause wrk have just let me go been crackingthat whip all nite so00 they ave!! :(
Separate names with a comma.